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Tara Kiene
Position: Staff reporter

A shift from autism awareness to autism acceptance

April is national Autism Acceptance Month. The 30-day period that was previously known as Autism Awareness Month began in 1970. Ironically, specific criteria for diagnosing autism were not a...

We can do better by women with disabilities

In honor of Women’s History Month, let’s look at a group of people who too often remain invisible: women with disabilities. Disability has a higher prevalence in women than men. In fact, the...

Celebrating the work of Black disabled activists

Black History Month brings some familiar names. Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglas, Sojournor Truth, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, James Baldwin and Nelson Mandela are all well k...

Push for profound autism diagnosis steers focus away from more important conversations

What’s in a label? Humans have been labeling things essentially as long as we’ve had language. Labeling aids our memory and helps us categorize based on similarities and differences and avoi...

Scammers are out there: Here are some tips for staying safe

By now, many of us are so familiar with the “Prince of Nigeria” email scam that it is shorthand for a seemingly obvious grift. But enough people are tricked by these ploys to make them a ser...

Build Back Better supports important funding for the disabled

It can be hard to get excited about anything going on in Washington these days. Most of what we witness seems like a train wreck; it’s best to look away from the carnage. But there are some ...

Keys employers can use to make a positive workplace

October is a busy month for awareness. In October, we are asked to honor everything from the whimsical (Bat Appreciation and National Cookie Month) to such serious topics as Breast Cancer Aw...

It’s important for all of us to educate ourselves about disability issues

When we speak of people with disabilities, we (present company included) often speak as though they are a single monolith. We do this because it more easily allows us to speak in broad strok...

Family Support Program available in Southwest Colorado

Families. They offer us support and love and comfort. They can bring irritation and pain and sadness. They can push every button we have (after all, they installed them). Celebrate them or ...

We often do not see ableism

I imagine that if you are reading this column, you probably consider yourself a kind, caring person who would never insult people with disabilities. Yet I guarantee you have. Ableism is so ...

A vaccine call to action – how to talk to hesitant friends and family

First, a call to action for anyone who has not been vaccinated for COVID-19: The time is now to protect yourself and your family. It has never been easier to get the vaccine, and...

The world could use more people like Edith Prentiss

The world lost a leader last month. Outside her home community of New York City, the loss of her flame was hardly noticed. Yet she and disability advocates across the nation have had and con...